The objective of this Conference is to publicize the recently created Society of Spanish Researchers in France (SIEF), created to facilitate communication between the scientific community present in France and promote scientific dissemination.
At the end of 2017, a group of Spanish researchers in France began to shape a community that sought not only to facilitate the installation of Spanish researchers who had recently arrived in France, but also to promote bridges between research organizations and institutions and companies. Spanish and French. The official foundation of the association took place on June 7, 2018, with the registration as a non-profit society whose main objectives are:
– Serve as support for researchers and scientists recently arrived in France in terms of accommodation, bureaucracy, social security, taxes, etc.
– Disseminate and give visibility to the studies carried out by Spanish researchers in France both inside and outside the country.
– Promote international relations and cooperation between researchers and organizations, both public and private.
We are currently working on various aspects focused on consolidating SIEF as a point of reference for Spanish researchers in France, among which are the signing of collaboration agreements with public and private institutions in and between France and Spain; the creation of spaces for the exchange of information such as social networks and the website; and the implementation of a membership system that allows SIEF to function autonomously without directly depending on the different public and private institutions.
Meeting essentials
dates: April 25, 2019
Title: Official presentation of the Society of Spanish Researchers in France
Location: Embassy of Spain in Paris, Avenue Marceau, 22, 75008, Paris (France)
contributors: Embassy of Spain in France, FECYT and Ramón Areces Foundation
Event schedule
12:30 Arrival of attendees
13:00 Welcome. They intervene:
– Mr. Raimundo Pérez-Hernandez y Torra (President of the Ramon Areces Foundation.
– José M. Torres (Scientist INRA Clermont-Ferrand, President of SIEF)
First part. Moderator: Sandra Cabeza (ILL Grenoble, SIEF representative)
13:20 “Presentation of the Society of Spanish Researchers in France, SIEF” – José M. Torres (President of SIEF)
13:40 “Network of Associations of Spanish Researchers Abroad” – Javier Escudero (President of RAICEX)
14:00 “Spanish Federation of Science and Technology”- (Borja Izquierdo, Director of the European Office, FECYT)
14:20 Pause-Café
Second part. Moderator: Pablo Palazón (ENS Lyon, SIEF representative)
14:50 “Opportunities for the professional development of Spanish scientists in France”– Arantxa Vilalta-Clemente (Institut Pprime, Chasseneuil-Futuroscope)
15:10 “Research and Higher Education: problems and challenges from a gender perspective” – Eulalia Pérez Sedeño (IFS-CCHS, CSIC)
16:00 CLOSURE: Ilmo. Mr. Fernando Carderera Soler (Ambassador of Spain in France)
Cocktail courtesy of the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain